Friday, December 30, 2011

What Is Genetically Altered Christianity?

There is much debate in our country today about genetically altered foods.
A few months ago I watched as a minister on Christian television interviewed a doctor who had studied the dangers of genetically altered foods and the health problems that were the result eating these foods. He said that our bodies could not recognize these products as nutrition.
Though these products may look good and grow faster, shouldn't the end result be that they are good for us and will meet our nutritional needs?
The thing that caught my attention though was a comment that the minister made next. He said that the church was suffering from genetically altered Christianity.
What would that look like and how do we know that Christianity has been genetically altered? What did Christianity look like at the very beginning?

The early church met in home in local communities.  The sick were healed and the needy were cared for.  And the "good news" was that an old covenant of laws and rituals that  was only for a select few, gave way to a new covenant where "whosoever will may come."
There were growing pains and differences of opinions from within and persecution from without and still the early church grew and flourished.
But somewhere along the way things began to change.  Despite all the warnings of the early church fathers, false teachers began to spread an "altered" gospel that was a mixture of the old and new.  And just like so long ago in the Garden of Eden when the enemy whispered, "Yea, hath God said?"  People soon began to feed on "that which was not bread" and the body began to suffer the consequences.

Today the gospel has been reduced to---get born again, do the best you can, and hang on til Jesus comes or you die.

Genetically altered physical food  and spiritual food have grim consequences.

There is good news though!  These bodies of our are "fearfully and wonderfully made."
We can begin to make changes in our diet and our amazing body will begin to repair itself.  With proper nutrition, exercise, and good supplements, our own built-in defense system will begin to target the bad cells that have entered and strengthen to good cells to work the way they were designed.  We just need to give them the right ammunition.
And so it is in our spiritual lives.  God has said in His word that the Holy Spirit would guide us into all truth.

Begin a search of your own.  Don't be afraid to say thatyou don't know anything.  Be willing to ask question.  God wants you to have answers.

In II Timothy  2:15 Paul told Timothy to study. That word means "ponder the intent of."

Imagine pondering the intent of God when He inspired those words to be written.

Proverbs 25:2 says, "It is the glory of God to conceal and thing:  But the honour of kings is to search out a matter."
God has call us kings and priests and gives us the honor to "seek and you shall find."

Genetically altered Christianity results from eating from the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil."  God said,  "In the day you eat, you shall die."
But He also gives us a choice to eat of the "Tree of Life"  and LIVE!

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